So what is hypnobirthing not? Dispelling the myths and why hypnobirthing needs a new name!
(5 minute read) Hypnobirthing is not a ‘type’ of birth. It is for any birth. All birth. How you feel about your birth is what is key. You could hear two very similar birth stories but, in the telling, you could become aware that both new Mum’s feel very...
So what actually is hypnobirthing?
(3-4 minute read) You hopefully know already, after looking through my website content, that Your Birth Your Baby is a complete antenatal and hypnobirthing preparation program, led by a midwife and hypnobirthing teacher, for you and your choice of...
Baby ‘essentials’ What’s on the list? And what should be but so often isn’t?
(1-2 minute read) So - just a cursory Google and I've found more 'baby essentials' lists than I can throw a stick at. So if, like me, you like a good check list and love ticking things off - here's an idea. Firstly, make sure you need what is...