Your Birth Your Baby Complete Midwife-led Antenatal & Hypnobirthing Course
Many congratulations on your pregnancy and welcome to the Your Birth Your Baby Complete Midwife-led Antenatal and Hypnobirthing Course.
You’re probably here because you already understand the importance of feeling informed, confident and self-empowered during this exciting and sometimes overwhelming time.
Whether this is your first, your only, your next or your last baby, how you approach your preparation for birth and early parenting is a significant and very personal decision.
In choosing YBYB, you get not only a qualified midwife, but also a certified hypnobirthing teacher, an expert antenatal educator and a proud mum of 4, all rolled into one!
About Me
Hi I’m Jo – a mum, midwife, certified hypnobirthing teacher, experienced and passionate antenatal educator and founder of Your Birth Your Baby Antenatal Course (YBYB).
I launched YBYB in February 2020. Great timing – thanks to Covid. Undeterred, but a little impatient if I’m honest, I opened as soon as it was deemed safe to do so. I’m all about the ‘in person’ experience so my courses are mostly for small groups, face-to-face, fun, sociable and interactive. However, having finally taken the plunge and leading a group Infant Feeding Workshop live online recently, I was pleasantly surprised to find it worked well in facilitating both effective information sharing and natural communication within the group, so I am now pleased to be able to offer my courses as a live online option as well.

I want you to feel confident that this course is right for you and happy for Your Birth Your Baby to be part of your birth and early parenting preparation. So get in touch to book your free ‘Introduction to YBYB & Hypnobirthing’ 1-1 discovery call with Jo.

What are the benefits of attending YBYB,
for you, your birth partner and your baby?
For you:
- you will gain an in-depth knowledge of birth physiology.
- you will learn how to enhance this process by enabling your body to work optimally within the parasympathetic system and learning how to redress the balance if you enter ‘fight or flight’.
- you are less likely to need to use more advanced forms of pain relief if this is something that matters to you. You can feel more comfortable for longer and improve your chances of progressing well at home in early labour due to increased oxytocin release and the resulting increase in beta-endorphin production.
- you will develop a deeper connection with your birthing body and a deeper shared understanding with your birth partner.
- you will appreciate the importance of actively seeking out positive stories about all types/places of birth and learn where to find evidence-based information to inform your choices.
- you will learn how to ask empowering questions of your caregivers.
- you will learn why relaxation is key for birth and which hormones enhance birth and which hormones antagonise it.
- learning the practice of deep relaxation is a life skill – for pregnancy, for birth, for the fourth trimester and beyond.
- you will learn breathing techniques for use during surges/in theatre/in latent phase/in moments of self doubt/during a change of midwife/if your environment changes/whilst having an epidural sited and so on.
- you will learn how to navigate the system by increasing your awareness of interventions that may or may not be necessary or individualised, and understanding about informed consent and decision making.
- you will learn to differentiate between absolute and relative risk/chance statistics and know to ask for the risks and benefits of both accepting or declining an offer of care or intervention eg membrane sweep.
- you will learn about the golden hour and how to give your baby a gentle, nurturing start considering the benefits of skin-to-skin, optimal cord clamping and an undisturbed 3rd stage and infant feeding – how to get off to a good start.
For your birthing partner:
- you will learn how to use hypnobirthing tools and techniques together, in pregnancy, birth and beyond.
- you will have a deeper shared understanding of each other and your shared preferences for birth.
- you will feel more confident in the support that your partner may need and how to be both by their side and on their side.
- you will know not only how to set the environment but how to maintain this optimally as time goes on or location changes.
- you will be a valued part of the birth team rather than feeling like a spare part and will understand how/when the birthing person may appreciate your advocacy skills to increase their feelings of choice and control.
- you will protect the birth space helping to avoid ‘fear, tension, pain’ leading to adrenaline release, whilst also knowing how to support the birthing person to revert back to the parasympathetic system quickly and effectively.
- you will be a huge source of oxytocin wherever and however birth unfolds.
- you will feel more informed and aware of how you can best support birth physiology through attending the course, but also by researching and developing birth preferences together and regular practice of relaxations.
- you will become aware (and raise awareness in others) of the importance of the language used around birth.
For your baby:
- your baby will benefit from being born in a more physiologically respectful environment.
- your baby’s passage through your pelvis will be aided by gravity and space thanks to your awareness of both optimal and instinctive positioning in labour and birth.
- your baby is more likely to benefit from immediate skin-to-skin which will regulate their temperature, heart rate and breathing, reduce sensory overload and stimulate their brain to adopt breast seeking behaviours.
- your baby is more likely to receive their full complement of blood volume via the cord at birth due to awareness of optimal cord clamping.
- your baby will benefit from a gentle golden hour and a calmer environment.
- your feelings of increased satisfaction as you prepare for birth will impact positively upon both you and your baby during pregnancy and the early parenting experience.

Myself and my husband attended YBYB antenatal course when I was 37 weeks pregnant. We chose YBYB because it sounded like Jo offered a really intimate and personal experience, with small face to face groups. The bonus was it was also just ran over one weekend so worked well for my husband who did shift work – we were not disappointed!!
Jo was beyond wonderful!! Not only was the course incredibly informative and covered all the essential things we wanted to know about as new parents to be (physiological changes I could expect, the journey of labour, breastfeeding and 4th trimester experiences) but she was also very accommodating to ensure I was comfortable throughout the two days with my growing bump! The course went at a lovely pace, was interactive and very enjoyable (even for the dads 😉) – Jo’s wealth of experience shone through and I loved that it really fitted with my existing way of thinking following a hypnobirthing course; empowering parents to make decisions and choices right for them. We also still use lots of the resources she provided to this day!
Following the course, we were also lucky to have continued support from Jo when we experienced some really challenging feeding difficulties and difficulties with our boys health. Jo was responsive, thoughtful and offered us the much needed compassion and listening ear that other professionals had not. Without Jo we would never have got to the bottom of what was wrong with our baby – she really was our guardian angel to whom we will be forever grateful to! Having Jo as part of our journey pre and post the birth of our son has been wonderful… thank you for everything Jo!!!